Air raid on Tokyo




Leitz Summarit f=5c m1:1.5
Rollei ATP1.1 (EI25)
R09 ONE SHOT (1:300)

The massive air raid on March 10 was performed to the target of attack in the city area and the citizen itself noting that Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises had become a production base of the war industry.
It is bombing in the low altitude on the night.

For the participating unit of the U.S. Forces, the 73rd, the 313rd, and the 314th three-piece aircraft wing were supplied.

Bombing was started immediately after the date changes from March 9, 1945 on the 10th.
The bombing by 325 B-29 bombers (The inside of it, and 279 The machine participated in bombing ) dropped the first cartridge to the Fukagawa area at 0:07 a.m., and started bombing also in the Joto area after that.
Started bombing also in the Asakusa area at 0:20 a.m.

The smoke of the fire was attained to an altitude of 7.000m, and the heavy wind of 20m/s and the typhoon average blew violently.

B-29 foresaw poor air defense capability of Japan in the air raid on Tokyo, almost all machine gun and ammunition were taken down, and the highly efficient firebomb (Double usual the no less than 6t bombs ) was carried.
The kind of dropped bomb is an oil bomb, a yellow phosphorus firebomb, an electron firebomb, etc. which demonstrated power with this strategy centering on the convergence firebomb E46,
The amount of dropping cartridges amounted to 381.300 shots and 1.783t.

That night, the strong northwest wind was blowing with passage of a low pressure, and this strong wind overlapped with the following conditions, and brought about serious damage.
Since the wind swayed the antenna of the radar for watch, a formation could not be caught certainly but the official announcement of the air-raid alarm was extremely overdue (having been issued will be at 0:15 a.m. on March 10 after first cartridge dropping).

Introduction of the airborne method called “low-altitude penetration” was carried out for the first time on Large-scale battle.
First, the Pathfinder machine to precede dropped the electron firebomb at the super-low altitude, and a glint of light showed the attack zone to the main body, and the bomber formation also invaded at a low altitude rather than usual, and dropped the convergence firebomb E46 in the form which surrounds the ignition point.

By the attack of sniping, impact became more precise than high altitude bombing.
Since the disastrous fire broke out in the early stage, the follow formation extended bombing extent gradually in the area undestroyed by fire, but operation became difficult by the strong wind by a fire, and it opened the firebomb to the outskirts of Arakawa which are not the original planned dropping site zone.
For this reason, fire extent further spread.
The monsoon (dry wind) of the northwest flapped the vigor of fire, and extended the spread of a fire.
Although the fighter plane party went to interception in the night arranged at the airfield near Tokyo, interception reached to an extreme of difficulty by the violent ascending current and smoke by ferocious fire.
In each airfield, the takeoff became difficult with the smoke and ashes of the fire soon.
The factor of these plurality overlapped and damage was expanded.
The firebomb used at this time was the thing which made the Japanese-styled house the target, and when Germany did the air raid of London, reference developed the thing collected as an unexploded shell.
Structure different from an average structure of those days was carried out.
Usually, an aerial bomb is exploding in an instant or attaching the delayed action fuse for 0.02~0.05 second, and is setting the principal axis of destructive power as the energy of explosion.
However, it becomes overkill to the Japanese-styled house which is wood construction.
Then, the “firebomb” which made the subject not explosive power but combustion power was developed, and this hit directly the Japanese-styled house which is mainly concerned with wooden.

In order to escape a fire, there were some persons who took refuge in the school of ferro-concrete structure etc. which were considered not to burn, but since the scale of a fire was too much large, there were those to what it generates fire sensation everywhere, a flame flows like a waterfall into a building, and dies in the flames, and people who oxygen is not taken with the flame and die from suffocation.

Moreover, although it runs into a river, there are those who water temperature is low and freeze to death, and in Sumida River of the next morning, it is said that the surface of a river was overflowing with a death from cold and drowned persons.

On the contrary, the example which escaped and survived in inland Kasukabe and direction of Soka in along Tobu Isesaki Line appears here and there.
March 10 is a day of the Houten battle (last battle of the Russo-Japanese War) of the Russo-Japanese War, and had become the Army Day.
In order to weaken the energy of the continuation of war of Japan, it is said that this commemoration dared to be chosen.
(However, by the data of the United States, it cannot be checking that he is conscious of the Army Day.)
The Osaka air raid is performed on March 13-14 and the Nagoya air raid on March 12 respectively is taking out many casualties.





Leitz Summarit f=5c m1:1.5
Rollei ATP1.1 (EI25)
R09 ONE SHOT (1:300)

今年は花粉の飛散も然る事乍ら、PM2.5 と云う有害物質の飛散量も多いと云われて居る。

所で明後日は 3 月 11 日で有る。
然し我々日本人、取分け東京に住む人たちが忘れては成ら無い日は明日 3 月 10 日も然うで有る。
1945 年 3 月 10 日、10 万人以上とも云われる被災者数を出した「東京大空襲」の日で有る。


Advanced Technical Pan




Leitz Summarit f=5c m1:1.5
Rollei ATP1.1 (EI25)
R09 ONE SHOT (1:300)

現在は此の Advanced Technical Pan と云うローライのフイルムしか市場には流通して居ないが、一応此れで 35mm も 120mm も揃う。

ISO25 で手持ちなので余り絞りを絞れ無いのが残念だが、それでもピントが合っている所の解像度はお分かり頂けるだろうか。

然し Rollei のフイルムは高価なのを除けば、実に面白いラインナップで有る。





Leitz Summarit f=5cm 1:1.5


